
Domestic Assault

The most common assault charges are between spouses. The system splits the family to force a guilty plea for a quick resolution. Don't fall into this trap. You need good lawyers on your side to make sure that you are not run over by the machinery of the government. You need to fight it. Get our experience and expertise to get you back to your family with no criminal record.

If you are charged with Assault, Sexual Assault, or Domestic Assault, then we can help. We have a great deal of expertise and experience dealing with Domestic Assault, Sexual Assault and all of the other assault related charges. Call us and you will be coming to the right place.

We are often able to resolve Domestic Assault cases without trial by getting the crown to withdraw the charges. Occasionally because of the severity of the facts alleged or because of a previous history, domestic assault cases must go to trial. We have also been able to convince the crown to withdraw sexual assault cases, but this is more difficult. Still, we try to get the crown to withdraw before we go to trial.

Sexual Assault

In Domestic Assault and Sexual Assault cases, vigorous and skillful cross examination is the key to expose the weaknesses, in the prosecution's case.

  • Sexual Assault
  • Sexual Interference
  • Invitation to Sexual Touching
  • Sexual Exploitation

Government policy has encouraged false or unfounded allegations. Often accusations are made many years later. The police take all sexual assault allegations seriously. We take your defense even more seriously. We will be there for you. We fight against malicious charges.